Tuesday, March 30, 2010

3/26/2010 Going to work

7:30 am...I succeded in getting ready for work,barely. My hand still isn't working great, I got my jeans buttoned though. I made my way gingerly down the stairs, slightly dragging my left foot behind me. Put my coat on, couldn't grasp the zipper so it hung open. Good thing I got my jeans buttoned.
 I went out to the car and managed to squeeze myself into my '95 Ford Aspire. I had to wait for the windows to defrost because I wasn't getting out  to scrape the ice and into the car again.
 I kept telling myself to go to the hospital, to not drive the 9 miles to work. It's 4 blocks to the ER! I decided to take the right turn towards work.
 Mentally I feel pretty good. Physically, I am a wreck. I managed to smoke a cigarette ( smart move) while driving with my right hand. 9 miles on a major interstate at 60 mph during the after effects of a stroke. I have to be the worlds smartest idiot.
 I made it to work and labored getting myself out of the car. I completed the 2 things that had been running through my head all night.
8:30am... My supervisor arrived at work. I told him " I fink I need to go to da osthpital!"
 He looked at me and knew right away that something was wrong. I tried to explain what had happened and really couldn't get the words out.
 I told him that I had to go and he wondered what the hell I was doing there in the first place. So....

9:00 am...I got back in my car and made the drive back home. I am just fricking brilliant,aren't I?
 Driving home trying to figure out how to tell my wife that I need to go to the ER now!

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